Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine dinner

Seasoned corn with bacon- bacon grease is always a good seasoner.
2 bacon strips cooked and diced
1 2/3 C frozen corn, thawed
1 T finely chopped onion
1/8 t garlic powder
1/8 t lemon pepper seasoning
1/8 t dried basil

Cook bacon and reserve 1/2 tsp of the drippings. Saute corn, onion and seasonings in reserved drippings until corn is tender.

Everyone is the family loved it.


  1. We had corn tonight, too. Rebecca thinks your corn sounds better - bacon grease has to make it better . . . right?! She also loves the polka dots on your background. I'm headed back to the mac and cheese recipe. Thanks for letting me know about your blog.

  2. U r welcome and yes bacon grease makes everything taste better.
